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SHUFFLE version 1.32 (c) 1985 by Robert Lederman
3 October 1985
SHUFFLE is a time-saving utility which allows Fido sysops easily to
move files and corresponding FILES.BBS entries among download
directories. It also permits rudimentary editing of file descriptions.
Written in Borland International's Turbo Pascal 3.01, SHUFFLE is
designed to be used locally as well as remotely, by taking advantage of
ANSI.SYS control codes.
SHUFFLE requires an IBM PC, XT, AT, or BIOS-compatible computer
running FIDO, Tom Jennings' remote bulletin board system. A hard disk
is recommended. When run from a local console, SHUFFLE requires the use
of ANSI.SYS or equivalent device driver. When run remotely, SHUFFLE
requires that the remote communications package use ANSI.SYS (like
Minitel or Qmodem) or VT100 emulation.
SHUFFLE should be stored on the same subdirectory that contains the
Fido system files (SYSTEMn.BBS). In any case, the current directory
MUST contain those Fido files whenever running SHUFFLE.
SHUFFLE will work properly only if your Fido system contains 50 or
fewer file areas. Undesirable -- not destructive -- results may be
achieved beyond that limit.
Due to memory restrictions, SHUFFLE should NOT be used with
FILES.BBS listings that contain more than 350 lines. Lines beyond that
limit will be be lost. You will be warned if you ever exceed this
FILES.BBS text listings MUST terminate with a cr/lf before the EOF
marker. Just hit carriage return when editing the last line of the file
before saving it. Fido ordinarily terminates FILES.BBS entries in this
fashion, anyway.
DON'T WORRY! SHUFFLE always backs up the active FILES.BBS as
FILES.BAK before changing anything.
SHUFFLE v1.32 -1- Call Met-Chem 203/281-7287
Making sure that the current directory is the Fido directory, type
SHUFFLE from DOS prompt, either locally or after using the '0' command
to exit Fido remotely. Try using SHUFFLE from a remote terminal -- it's
really neat!
At this point, a simple description will be displayed and SHUFFLE
will display a menu of all file areas, each with the corresponding Fido
area number.
You will now be asked to choose an active file subdirectory for
viewing, manipulating, and SHUFFLE-ing files. SHUFFLE will pause a few
seconds to load the files.bbs and directory information in the area you
choose Afterwards you will see the following menu:
new area#,Edit,Insert,Jump,Kill,Move,Next,Orphan,Previous,Rename,Scan,Quit:
and the first entry of your FILES.BBS. If the line contains a comment,
it will be marked COMMENT. A line is considered a comment if the first
character is a '-', '=', or a ' ' (space), or if the length of the line
is less than two characters. Otherwise, the file name, size, and
creation date is displayed. If the active directory does not contain
the file listed in the FILES.BBS, then it is marked MISSING. The file
description is displayed on the next line.
Hitting <Return> will display the next entry in the files.bbs that
has not been deleted or redirected. SHUFFLE will "wrap" from the last
entry back to the beginning of the FILES.BBS.
The (N)ext and (P)revious commands act as direction toggles.
Hitting 'P' for example will display the previous active files.bbs
entry, and all subsequent <return>'s will move backwards. Hitting 'N'
will display the next active entry, and all subsequent <return>s will
move forward.
Entering a NUMBER corresponding to a file area will REDIRECT a file
from the current subdirectory to the selected file area, and append the
files.bbs entry to the files.bbs of the target area. It's that simple.
[Note that versions 1.31 and higher can redirect files across disk
drives and hard disk partitions. It is your responsibility, however, to
make sure there is enough space on the target drive for the copy.]
The (J)ump command directs SHUFFLE to Jump to a specified line in
the FILES.BBS. You will be prompted for a line number. If that line no
longer exists (if it has been deleted or redirected), then you SHUFFLE
will display the next active line.
SHUFFLE v1.32 -2- Call Met-Chem 203/281-7287
The (K)ill command permits you to delete the current entry and/or
the corresponding file. You are prompted for each deletion. Be careful
with this.
The (I)nsert command inserts a blank line before the current one,
ready for (E)diting.
The (E)dit command permits you to edit the file name and
description fields. To edit the FILES.BBS file description field, type
your new description and then hit <Return>. SHUFFLE marks the maximum
length of your entry to avoid annoying "wrap" using the Fido 'F'
command.To edit the FILES.BBS filename field, just type the new filename
you want listed and hit <ESC>. Notice the wide flexibility this command
permits. You can convert a filename entry into a comment by hitting
<ESC> without any characters. After you enter a new field, you may
(S)ave or (D)iscard it.
The (R)ename command renames the current file to the name you
specify, and updates the current FILES.BBS accordingly. Notice that the
related (E)dit filename function does NOT rename any files, only the
description in the FILES.BBS.
The (S) command scans for a keyword (up to six characters) that you
enter. It searches both file names and file descriptions. If the
keyword is found, you may (C)ontinue to search for additional
occurances, enter a (N)ew keyword, or (S)top at the current entry. If
no matches are found, you can enter a (N)ew keyword or (S)top and return
to the original entry. Note that wildcard characters are NOT
The (O)rphan command, inspired by Bill Becker of Fido 16/209,
searches the current directory for files not listed in the FILES.BBS.
New file entries for the orphans are appended to the end of FILES.BBS,
ready for (E)diting or (K)illing. Note that FILES.BBS, FILES.BAK, and
DIR.BBS are excluded from the orphan search.
The (M)ove command, modelled after DOS Edlin, permits a range of
lines to be moved elsewhere in the current FILES.BBS. You will be
prompted for the first line to be moved (hitting <return> specifies the
current line), the last line to be moved (hitting <return> specifies
move the first line only), and where you want the range to be moved
(hitting 0 aborts the move).
Choosing the (Q) command saves all changes in a new FILES.BBS for
the current area. The old one is renamed to FILES.BAK. You may then
choose a new file area for shuffling or (Q)uit and exit shuffle.
SHUFFLE v1.32 -3- Call Met-Chem 203/281-7287
If you like and use SHUFFLE, especially if your FIDO is sponsored
by a commercial establishment, your contribution would be greatly
appreciated. Please make all checks payable to:
Robert J. Lederman
7001 Yale Station
New Haven, CT 06520
Nevertheless, any comments or suggestions are solicited. You can post
them, and receive the latest version of SHUFFLE on Met-Chem Fido 16/42
in New Haven, 203/281-7287.
Recent Release History
Version 1.32 fixes a bug in version 1.31 that causes ALL files to
be copied rather than redirected -- SHUFFLE was a little slow there for
a while.
Version 1.31 allows files to be "redirected" across disk drives.
Thanks to Bela Lubkin for his file copy routine. "_ghost_" file areas
are no longer displayed at all.
Version 1.3 has a completely rewritten non-Turbo APPEND procedure
that solves previous bugs in redirecting FILES.BBS entries. Comments
may now be redirected. The (E)dit command can now be used to change
file names in FILES.BBS without actually renaming the file. The (M)ove
command has been added to allow EDLIN-style moving of text. The new
(I)nsert command inserts blank lines that can be changed to File
descriptions or comments using the improved (E)dit command. The new
(O)rphan command searches the active subdirectory for files not listed
in FILES.BBS and appends them to the end for further (E)diting. [Last
minute note: the APPEND bug is a problem specific to the Columbia MPC,
not IBM PCs or with Turbo Pascal as expected -- the problem has been
worked around.]
Versions 1.22b through 1.22f attempted to fix a sporadic and
unexplained failure to redirect FILES.BBS entries. It derived from a
bug in Turbo Pascal's APPEND procedure.
Version 1.22 adds the (R)ename feature.
Version 1.21 Was incorrectly released, and did not correctly append
redirected FILES.BBS entries to the target file area FILES.BBS. The
wrong program was incorporated into the library. Sorry.
SHUFFLE v1.32 -4- Call Met-Chem 203/281-7287
Version 1.20 allows quick-response: no unnecessary carriage
Upcoming Features
Expect future versions of SHUFFLE to have some of the following
- Full-screen display of multiple FILES.BBS entries, using VT100
commands for remote operation.
- Ability to redirect FILES.BBS entries to predetermined line on
target FILES.BBS (for redirect